2021 Reds Fun At Bat
The Reds Youth Academy Fun at Bat program at the Academy (2026 E. Seymour Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45237) begins
Sunday, November 7th through December 19th.
Fun at Bat's objective is to provide children with a fun and active baseball experience that also reinforces positive characteristics like teamwork, honesty, and responsibility.
All the information and more can be found below:
How to register:
Step 1: Fill out the 2021-2022 Academy Member Application online at
Reds Youth Academy 2021-2022 Membership
Step 2: Email Academy to sign up specifically for Fun At Bat at redsyouthacademy@reds.com.
- NEW FACILITY PROCEDURES- In order to optimize our new limited capacity numbers, we will ONLY allow ONE parent in the building for Fun At Bat program. One Parent/Guardian will be allowed to help our Academy members sign in and watch practice. The Academy staff will be doing cleaning procedures between programs including cleaning equipment.
The program will begin on Sunday, November 7th, from 3pm- 4:30pm.